Initial Consultation

Our number one goal is to help you succeed. 

To that end, we will evaluate your current hardware, software and computer procedures and will use this information to prepare a report detailing areas where you are doing well and areas where you can improve. This is actually the same testing and report that we provide for our regular customers. 

The following example is from an actual evaluation.  The names have been changed but the details of the evaluation and my recommendations are exactly as I presented them to upper management.  The reason for the evaluation was the removal of most of the upper management and the entire IT department.  The owner had no idea what condition the infrastructure was in and wanted an outside evaluation of what they had been told was a well-running operation.

Because of the length of the reports, I have linked to them below rather than including them directly in this section.  I think you will find them informative.  The actual evaluation took over two days to complete just to gather the information.  Most of another day was required to produce the reports.  This was all done for the customer at no charge even though the process involved hundreds of miles of travel.

It is unlikely that your environment will be as complicated or as messed up as this one. You should know, however, that I ended up taking the job and they were still running with no data loss when I turned them over to a local company for continuing support.

Initial Assessment Report

Recommendations Report

I look forward to hearing from you and being of service to you in the future.