Internet Access Control


According to Forbes the average business loses 4.8 hours of work each week per employee due to "recreational" Internet use during business hours.  In addition to the fact that you are not getting any return on the wages you are paying while this is taking place, these actions may be placing your computers or servers at risk.  Depending on what form this "recreation" takes, your employees may be exposing you and your company to lawsuits for a variety of reasons. 

There are several appliances which will filter inappropriate sites through the use of a subscription service.  They will involve a recurring subscription charge in addition to the initial purchase but they will do a much better job of blocking unwanted web browsing and will provide a degree of reporting that is difficult to achieve on your own.  In this case there really is no reason to reinvent the wheel.  If you want to control Internet access either for productivity, legal or any other reason, it is hard to beat one of the commercial appliances.

If you are interested, we would be glad to talk to you about your needs in this area and suggest several solutions that will fit your budget.